Monday, January 3, 2011

Minority Representation and its Limits

The Senate can slow government down to a crawl.
It's actually designed to do so.
There are good arguments for it.
Minorities don't get trampled thanks to the Senate.

However in the last twenty years the Senate has become so bipartisan, so devoid of diplomacy, that it is impeding basic governance. The New Yorker article by George Packer gives an in-depth look at the obfuscation and recalcitrance that has replaced what was once a legislative body.

The New York Times editorial explains why Jeff Merkley and Tom Udall's Senate Reform Proposal deserves consideration. Read the editorial. Read the proposal. If you agree, call your Senators immediately. Ask them to support it.

The first day of the Senate is the only day, each year, the Senate rules can be amended.

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